feet-539356_1280 What is it?

The Metamorphic Technique evolved from Reflexology in the 1960’s through the work of Naturopath and Reflexologist Robert St John. He discovered that he could bring about significant changes by applying a light massaging touch to points on the feet, that also transfer to points on the hands and head.  These are known as Spinal Reflexes.

The Spinal Reflexes correspond to our time in the womb, where our mother’s stresses at the time can anchor patterns that shape and challenge us later on in life.

The Metamorphic Technique is therefore not a therapy, but a simple approach to self healing and personal development.

We all have great potential, and have an innate life force energy within us. However due to limiting beliefs, and repeated patterns of thoughts and behaviour, our minds and emotions can often hold ourselves back from achieving our full potential, and becoming our true selves.

Beneath these external symptoms that may manifest as physical / emotional / mental problems, there are corresponding patterns of energy (our ‘life force’ energy) of which the Metamorphic Technique acts as a catalyst to release these limiting attitudes to life, gently enabling you to transform these patterns.

How can MT help?

The Metamorphic Technique is extremely gentle and non invasive, and is therefore suitable for all, including babies, pregnant mothers, the elderly and those at the end of life.

As it is a trigger for your own inner life force, it is an empowering technique for allowing people to ‘get out of their own way’, transforming patterns in whatever ways are needed. The energy that was ‘stuck’ can be released, allowing a letting go of past limitations, and encouraging a movement forwards. As a catalyst, it also creates space for the person’s life force to evolve, trusting that it knows exactly what to do to help the individual to expand and say ‘yes’ to life.

People are often drawn to this technique to create more of what they need in their lives. They often also seek the technique at difficult times such as through illness, bereavement, divorce or transitions in life, or because they feel ‘stuck’ in their lives. They find that it can help them cope better with these difficult or transitional times.

Some people find it is useful in addressing emotional issues, and making deeper inner changes without having to discuss their problems or delve into their past.

It has been used widely in work with physical and mental disabilities, as well as those with conditions such as addictions, eating disorders and stress related conditions.

What happens during a session?

A session usually lasts for 1 hour, and the recipient removes their shoes and socks, and can either be sitting or lying.

The practitioner uses light touch along the spinal reflexes on the feet, hands and head, working from a place of detachment and non judgement, meaning that they are not trying to fix anything, but are acting as a catalyst for the recipient’s own innate intelligence.

There is no diagnostic element to the session, therefore there is no requirement to take a personal or medical history or to discuss any specific issues or symptoms.  If you are happy to talk during the session, that is however also fine.

Many people report feeling relaxed or energized after a session and find the experience very pleasant.

It can not be predicted what will happen during a session, as each is unique to the individual.

In some cases responses are immediately noticeable, while others are much more subtle.

They can range from feelings of having more energy and confidence, to improvements in physical, mental and emotional health, and releasing old habits.

People often report changes in the way they see life, or view themselves, or have a growing sense of purpose and inner strength.  They may find themselves changing job, moving house, leaving or starting a relationship, and generally ‘coming home’ to themselves.

How many sessions are needed?

As everyone is different, it cannot be predicted how long it will take for changes to happen.  Some notice changes after just one session, while others it may take weeks or months.

It is entirely up to the individual to determine the frequency and number of sessions they receive. Some people have regular weekly sessions, while others have session every so often, or when they feel it is needed.

While changes may not always be immediate, they do tend to be permanent

The Metamorphic Technique can be received on its own, or along side other conventional medicine or alternative approaches